The Christmas trees are going up in the stores, the wrapping paper is calling our names, waiting to be taken home and used on our gifts for loved ones. It is the most wonderful time of the year... but not because of the trees, the lights, the gifts, the christmas cards, the parties or shopping trips. No, it is the most wonderful time of the year because Jesus came into a world that needed hope and peace... It is the time of year when we remember that Jesus came into a broken world then and now. I pray that you will make Stillwater on Miller Lane part of your Christmas
Season celebrations. We have lots of things for you to connect into.

Dec. 3, 10 & 17...Christmas Bible Study
Conference Room at Miller Lane 7-9pm
Led by Marie, come and see how to make room for the Christ Child
Dec. 14….Advent Family Night
We are taking a night to celebrate with each other the Christmas season. Come with a covered dish and your family. We will eat dinner and then rotate to different tables to make crafts and play games. Mark your calendar.
Café At Miller Lane 6-8pm
We are taking a night to celebrate with each other the Christmas season. Come with a covered dish and your family. We will eat dinner and then rotate to different tables to make crafts and play games. Mark your calendar.
Café At Miller Lane 6-8pm
Dec. 20 @ 1pm… Christmas Cookie exchange
We will make about 8 dozen cookies to share with 6 other people. We are asking that people bring two dozen cookies extra. We are sharing 1 dozen that afternoon and the second dozen for both Christmas Eve and Blue Christmas.
Sign up in the sign up sheets
We will make about 8 dozen cookies to share with 6 other people. We are asking that people bring two dozen cookies extra. We are sharing 1 dozen that afternoon and the second dozen for both Christmas Eve and Blue Christmas.
Sign up in the sign up sheets
Dec. 21….Blue Christmas
Christmas is not always a joy filled holiday for everyone. If you struggle with Christmas join us for this time to reflect and share with God our pain and hurt.
Stillwater on Miller Lane Worship Area… 7pm
Christmas is not always a joy filled holiday for everyone. If you struggle with Christmas join us for this time to reflect and share with God our pain and hurt.
Stillwater on Miller Lane Worship Area… 7pm
Dec. 24...Christmas Eve
5pm Family “Hands on” worship service
11pm Candle light service
5pm Family “Hands on” worship service
11pm Candle light service
Hope to see you then.