Our Journey

Join us Sunday Morning 9:00am and 10:30am on the corner of Stop 8 and Miller Lane

Saturday, January 17, 2009

I was thinking the other day about how God has moved among us…

Just think we are just 12 weeks old and yet we have a good solid Sunday School class for children, we are starting a youth class this week, we serve breakfast to 40 people each week, we are worshiping God in an amazing way…

Change is happening in and through you… let me share some of the stories that people have shared with me…

“I was struggling… I had not really connected at a church, I had been wondering until I walked into Stillwater on Miller Lane… I felt like I was home, it was like the Holy Spirit took a hold of me and told me that I had found my spot.”

“My husband comes on his own, I have pushed him for years but he is now coming on his own… I don’t push it.”

“I have been part of many churches, but I have a church home.”

“My children feel like they own the church”

On this celebration of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. we celebrate all that he did for us, the way that he inspired us…

I hope that you will take time this week to look for ways that you too can make a difference… Maybe it is to connect with a long lost friend, maybe it is to walk in a march celebrating on Monday, maybe it is to work in a soup kitchen or a food pantry.

I found this quote that I find to be so inspiring…

As King said, desegregation will only produce "a society where men are physically desegregated and spiritually segregated, where elbows are together and hearts apart. It gives us social togetherness and spiritual apartness.”

Our quest is to connect both social and spiritual integration…

Can we do it? What are you suggestions to how…