Our Journey

Join us Sunday Morning 9:00am and 10:30am on the corner of Stop 8 and Miller Lane

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Camp Wesley

Boy is camp fun.... We are having a great time at camp this week. Some of us have gone canoeing, hiking, played field sports, played gym sports, made cool stuff in arts and crafts, had Bible study and time alone with God.
We work really hard to NOT waste food. We are trying to only take as much as we will eat. We can always go back for seconds, but we try and eat what we have taken. It was a bit hard for the little kids at first, but it got better as the week has progressed. The weather is great, the wind is blowing and the sun comes out occasionally. (at least today that is.) The kids swam in the lake yesterday, today we are going to go down the slip and slide. What fun we will have!!

It is a full day from 7:15- 10:30 each day we are having as much fun as 50+ people should be having. Continue to pray for us.


Marie & the gang