Our Journey

Join us Sunday Morning 9:00am and 10:30am on the corner of Stop 8 and Miller Lane

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Haiti or bust!!

Greetings from not so sunny Miami,

Well, I thought we were getting to Haiti on Monday, but apparently we needed a lesson in patience and flexibility. We missed our connecting flight in Tampa so we were held back to from Haiti. We got a hotel room and crashed for the night. It was a 12 hour ordeal, yet we still laughed and saw God's grace around is.

Some of the things I saw yesterday:

A man with the longest dreedlocks that I have ever seen. They were down to his ankles. Rudy Rasimus talks about how his goatee is a filter to keep judgemental people out. I wondered if this was the guy's filter. He seemed like a nice guy. I guess you can't judge a book by it's cover.

The woman who helped us initally at the United ticket counter was having a rough day. She was short and did not break a smile the entire hour that we stood next to her. She did however go and ask the questions to see why we were still waiting to be helped.

I saw a little girl who was shy at first and then opened up to Karen and I. She now talks to us nonstop. A girl after my own heart.

I am praying for all of you. I know that transformation happens when we least expect it... look for those changing moments at each intersection today.

Blessings and Peace... we are off to Haiti (or so we think)
