I am not sure that I can adequately describe the things that I have seen today. We can start with the smells. There is a mulitude of smells that surrounds the city of Port au Prince. The food cooking, the charcol fires, the engine exhust, the burning trash, the garbage, the sewage, the standing water, the soapy water that people took baths and then dumped.
The poverty is almost overwhelming... or at least I think it is poverty. People live in houses that are partially built with cement blocks, tin roofs, sometimes huts made with banana leaves and palm branches. The children in the towns were sometimes in just a shirt, or with no clothes. I seem to have a knack on spoting the naked people. The people take bathes in the streams that further down the stream are filled with garbage and people washing clothes.
Two hours later... We made it to the beach with the rain drops falling every so often.... the beach was filled with peebles and rocks. It was fun to look for the beach glass and shells. The children all loved the beach... It was wonderful to watch Wood in the water. Karen as always has an eye for detail, she found numerous conch shells. I walked right by several and Karen came behind me and found them.
As the afternoon ended we loaded up, all 27 of us in a 14 person van. I volunteered to hold a little girl who is known to get sick in the car. I am not sure how happy Karen was when I said I would hold her. At one point I thought she was going to hurl, and Karen kind of gently moved forward so no splashing would occur. But, no incidents... she was wonderful even without vomit.
I got a chance to talk to Chris, the orphange director about us coming for a mission trip. She wa happy to have us come and rock babies, play with toddlers and read to elementary children. I think Karen and I will go to visit the United Methodist hospital and mission. I think that I will have pictures to post so stay tuned.
I continue to see God working even in the midst of extreme poverty. It is something to be the minority.
thanks for the prayers... we feel them.
Blessings and Peace