So, I really left sunny Ohio and traveled for more than 12 hours to get to a place where it rains and it is cool. Yes God has a strange sense of humor. Karen and I went to the Baptist mission on the Mountain today. It was a 45 minute drive on the way up and 1 hour on the way home. We rode by so many poor people today... people digging through the trash looking for something, I can't imagine what they were looking for... but they were digging. We saw some men selling gravel in bags that they had carried on thier heads. The smells were okay today, I think because of the rain. I got caught in a rain downpour, it was so neat to see God's grace fall to the earth. As we rode home in the van, the small rocks that were drive ways were swept into the road.
I have found it more difficult today to see God working among the people. However it is easy to see God in the children. It is pretty cool to watch the children from the orphange who are visiting with thier adoptive parents. They are still very much in community, taking care of each other. Two sisters chatter in French/ Creole back and forth. It is pretty neat.
The Baptist mission was interesting, there was one couple who traveled to Haiti and stayed to build the baptist mission. It was one family who made a difference in this mountain community. I have posted some pictures of the mountain. They have learned how to farm on the side of the mountain.
I continue to pray for you all, please pray for us.
Blessings and Peace