What a fun time we had at Trunk or Treat... over 100 children came through our parking lot, lots of trunks were decorated, children ate smores, drank hot chocolate and played games. The Kingdom of God was expanded through this fun evening.
Check out the pictures...
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Upcoming event at Miller Lane
This coming Sunday, October 18th, we will be giving out the Third grade bibles to all our new third graders! We have several kids who are to receive bibles, and some kids who have been missing for a few weeks that we would love to have come and participate in this joyous event with us! We also are starting a new bible curriculum so that the children can learn what and how to use their bibles, and start to use this wonderful tool God has provided us as they seek to grow in relationship with him. Exciting things are going to happen, come and be a part of our growth at Miller Lane!
Giving God our best
That was the theme of our Sunday school lesson today, I have had the privilege of working with the 4th thru 6th graders at Miller Lane for the past two weeks. We have explored what being created in God's image means to us, and how God sees each one of us as worthy and valuable, even though the world tells us much differently some of the time. So how do we continually give God our best in this world of brokeness and sin?? The kids had some great insight as to how they could seek God's will in the midst of living in this world, how do we give our best at school, at home, in church, with the people we see everyday? What an amazing group of kids we have involved at Club 456, and how awesome a privilege it is for me to see them exploring their bibles, working together as a team, learning how to use Gods word as a resource to turn to, and how prayer fits into their everyday lives. Again, I am amazed at how easy it is for them to express the specifics of their faith, without hesitation, without fear of ridicule, and with such hope and expectation that I long to be so free again in my life. God continues to work through the children at Miller Lane, I wonder where and for whom they will be blessings during the coming week!
Thanks God for the freedom to love you like the children do!
Heather N.
Thanks God for the freedom to love you like the children do!
Heather N.
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Spirit of God
I have been thinking lately of where the Spirit of God is moving at Stillwater on Miller Lane. With so many things happening and starting this fall, I think it is important to remember our mission. It is out of this mission that I clearly see the Spirit of God moving and shaping us.
Our mission is to provide introduce people to Jesus, help them grow in a relationship with him and support, train and encourage them as they go out because of a transformation within to share the message of hope and grace to all.
I see God working as we reach out to the community across the street adopting Morrison school... God has already planted the seeds, we just have to be obedient and water and nourish them.
See you Sunday!!
Blessings, Marie
Our mission is to provide introduce people to Jesus, help them grow in a relationship with him and support, train and encourage them as they go out because of a transformation within to share the message of hope and grace to all.
I see God working as we reach out to the community across the street adopting Morrison school... God has already planted the seeds, we just have to be obedient and water and nourish them.
See you Sunday!!
Blessings, Marie
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Amazing Sunday School!!
Today I had the joy of teaching the children at Miller Lane, grades 1-3. We started a new format for Sunday School, and the day started off a little hectic for me, trying to make sure everything was ready, getting into the 9 am service, which was AMAZING, seeing our intern, Allyssa, say goodbye, which was hard, and feeling God calm me and prepare me for the rest of the day. As the children began to be dropped off by families for Sunday School, it got louder and louder... as tends to happen with kids at this age!! The amazing thing for me today, these kids get it!! They really really can embrace the lesson being taught, and they can apply that lesson and the bible verse to their own lives. We did a really cool Faith 5 toward the end of class today, one of the children said the high point of her day was being able to come to church today, and the low point was that her friend was not able to come with her today. That little girl was able to apply the verse from the lesson, John 15:12: "This is my command: Love each other as I have loved you," and she said the way she could show love to her friend by telling her how much fun she had in Sunday School and inviting her to come with her next week!! Wow!! Another child in that class stated that their high point was being able to go to "early service" with her Mom, and the low point was the Miss. Allyssa was leaving today, and we wouldn't be able to see her next week. One way that she thought of to show love to Miss. Allyssa was to pray for her, send her a card, and just learn from her example, these kids are getting it, it was a truly powerful class today! I am always amazed at what God does in the most mundane of everyday tasks, but to see these kids living out their own faith and how they can impact others in their community was really a wonderful blessing for me! WE had so much fun today, we had a party to welcome Jesus into our new classroom, and into our lives, the kids decorated and made a welcome sign for Jesus, and we talked about how we would show our love for Jesus if he happened to walk through our classroom door!! Then we talked about different ways we can show others our love for them and for Jesus, and the class had great responses like, taking care of someone when they are sick, praying for those in need, being a true friend even when it is hard for us, one child even said he would help his sister clean her room up!! Just hearing these children talk about the people in their lives who love them and all the different ways we can show our love for each other was really awesome, it is amazing to hear them speak of their love for others and their love for Jesus Christ with such abandon and passion, no hang ups like adults often have. At the very end of class we all got in a circle for prayer, and the requests we had were all unselfish, focusing on others needs, and how just having the presence of God in a space makes things a little bit better no matter what the problem is. These kids are exposed to health problems within their families, friends that don't always treat them like friends, death of a loved one or friend, money issues, and making new friends at new schools, and even in the midst of all that they see and hear every day, these children are so joyful about God and His amazing love for them. They sang songs and danced and shared ideas on how to show others about the love of the Lord through everyday things, a hug, a card, sitting with someone new at the lunch table, inviting a friend to join them next Sunday!! That's totally AWESOME! Thank you God for the children, please keep them safe and may they feel your love every day this week!! Amen!
Heather N.
Heather N.
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Camp Wesley
Boy is camp fun.... We are having a great time at camp this week. Some of us have gone canoeing, hiking, played field sports, played gym sports, made cool stuff in arts and crafts, had Bible study and time alone with God.
We work really hard to NOT waste food. We are trying to only take as much as we will eat. We can always go back for seconds, but we try and eat what we have taken. It was a bit hard for the little kids at first, but it got better as the week has progressed. The weather is great, the wind is blowing and the sun comes out occasionally. (at least today that is.) The kids swam in the lake yesterday, today we are going to go down the slip and slide. What fun we will have!!
It is a full day from 7:15- 10:30 each day we are having as much fun as 50+ people should be having. Continue to pray for us.
Marie & the gang
Monday, July 27, 2009
Stillwater on Parade

Friday, July 10, 2009
The dreams of one child is coming true.... It is just about 12 hours away. Please come, join our fun, see God in action.
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Wow is it ever hot!!! It is definitely hotter than the back of a box truck in Haiti.... I am so filled with joy and happiness to be home after what seems like forever. I have missed my church family and the day to day stuff at the church. I have not missed the weather. After I returned from a required time of Holy Conferencing in both West Ohio Annual Conference as well as my home conference, we left to go on vacation in the hills of Tenn. It was beautiful and cool. We stayed in a wonderful cabin where we awoke each morning to the birds and the bubbling sounds of the creek. We return to 180 degree temperatures... what is with that....
Please know that I have had all of Stillwater in prayer and specifically those in our body that have struggled lately with health issues as well as those who have lost loved ones this season.
Please call the office if you need anything. It is a privilege to be your pastor and your friend... my family thanks all of you for the time away. Thanks for picking up the slack...
Please know that I have had all of Stillwater in prayer and specifically those in our body that have struggled lately with health issues as well as those who have lost loved ones this season.
Please call the office if you need anything. It is a privilege to be your pastor and your friend... my family thanks all of you for the time away. Thanks for picking up the slack...
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Summer is actually here!! I can't believe it... I guess I will really have to carry all my winter sweaters and sweatshirts out to the shed now.
Stillwater on Miller Lane is being purposeful in our reaching out into the community. We are offering lemonade, hotdogs and popcorn to the children who play baseball, we are picking up trash along MillerLane, we are participating in the Air Show parade and in August we will be inviting children from Murlin Heights and Morrison School to come and join us for a back to school bash.
One of the best ways that we as a community can connect is to do things together. The activities and outreach things are fun, we laugh and have a great time. Put the dates on your calendar to join us....
Stillwater on Miller Lane is being purposeful in our reaching out into the community. We are offering lemonade, hotdogs and popcorn to the children who play baseball, we are picking up trash along MillerLane, we are participating in the Air Show parade and in August we will be inviting children from Murlin Heights and Morrison School to come and join us for a back to school bash.
One of the best ways that we as a community can connect is to do things together. The activities and outreach things are fun, we laugh and have a great time. Put the dates on your calendar to join us....
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Haiti the last day
Words can't express the feelings that I am feeling tonight. I sit in a comfortable and clean hotel when just a few miles down the street there are 100 children living in an orphange. It is a wonderful orphange that feeds the children healthy nutritious meals. It is the place the people send thier sick children because Chris and the others know how to care for them. Yet, in the midst of that we saw conditions that were appalling. I saw several special needs kids who were in need of services, yet in a country like Haiti this is probably not going to happen.
I was doing really well until I walked down to the toddler room that was in the downstairs of the house. There is a sliding glass door that goes outside. All the toddlers 2-6 are kept down there. They play with each other, eat at picnic tables and bath outside. Some of the children showed me thier beds, they were all neatly made. All of this sounds great, that was until I walked out back and the children started to climb me. Literally they were climbing my legs. At one point I was holding 2 children with another one crying at my feet. They were preschoolers seeking attention, affection, and love. Many of them have adoptive parents who are waiting the 2-3 year wait to bring them to the US. It broke my heart. I am not a person who cries, yet I could not help but cry and wonder why. Why was I so fortunate to be born to parents who could afford me... why did God allow this kind of action to take place. The tears rolled down my cheeks and a little boy who had put his fingerprints all over my glasses touched the tears and smiled a smile that could only be straight from God.
As Karen and I have pondered where God was today I think that God was in disguise. God was in the faces of the adoptive parents as they waited to hear where they were in the process, God was in the little smiles and laughs that i heard dispite the smells, urine and other liquids.
I continue to wonder what God desires for Stillwater to do about this situation... What is our response to this kind of poverty and abandonment. Most of the children at HIS home are children whose parents can't afford to care for them and so they have to give them up. That is an extreme love to give up your child to parents in another country for the good of a child. What is it that we are to do? Do you have any suggestions? Please feel free to comment. I would love to hear other opinions.
Blessings and Grace
I was doing really well until I walked down to the toddler room that was in the downstairs of the house. There is a sliding glass door that goes outside. All the toddlers 2-6 are kept down there. They play with each other, eat at picnic tables and bath outside. Some of the children showed me thier beds, they were all neatly made. All of this sounds great, that was until I walked out back and the children started to climb me. Literally they were climbing my legs. At one point I was holding 2 children with another one crying at my feet. They were preschoolers seeking attention, affection, and love. Many of them have adoptive parents who are waiting the 2-3 year wait to bring them to the US. It broke my heart. I am not a person who cries, yet I could not help but cry and wonder why. Why was I so fortunate to be born to parents who could afford me... why did God allow this kind of action to take place. The tears rolled down my cheeks and a little boy who had put his fingerprints all over my glasses touched the tears and smiled a smile that could only be straight from God.
As Karen and I have pondered where God was today I think that God was in disguise. God was in the faces of the adoptive parents as they waited to hear where they were in the process, God was in the little smiles and laughs that i heard dispite the smells, urine and other liquids.
I continue to wonder what God desires for Stillwater to do about this situation... What is our response to this kind of poverty and abandonment. Most of the children at HIS home are children whose parents can't afford to care for them and so they have to give them up. That is an extreme love to give up your child to parents in another country for the good of a child. What is it that we are to do? Do you have any suggestions? Please feel free to comment. I would love to hear other opinions.
Blessings and Grace
Friday, May 22, 2009
Haiti Friday
My heart has broken today.... In the states we see people who beg on the street and we are unsure if they are really in need. Here in Haiti they are always in need. There are children who live on the street who have to wipe down cars to make enough money to get by. I could not believe the amount of poverty and hopelessness. We walked through the streets today, the people stared at us... some of the children followed us when we left. they wanted money or food. I so wish we could have taken our food and given it to him. I now have a new perspective on food portions. I throw so much away and so many have so little.
My prayer tonight is for all the people without food have food. I don't know how but that is my prayer.
blessings, Marie
My prayer tonight is for all the people without food have food. I don't know how but that is my prayer.
blessings, Marie
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Haiti day 3
So, I really left sunny Ohio and traveled for more than 12 hours to get to a place where it rains and it is cool. Yes God has a strange sense of humor. Karen and I went to the Baptist mission on the Mountain today. It was a 45 minute drive on the way up and 1 hour on the way home. We rode by so many poor people today... people digging through the trash looking for something, I can't imagine what they were looking for... but they were digging. We saw some men selling gravel in bags that they had carried on thier heads. The smells were okay today, I think because of the rain. I got caught in a rain downpour, it was so neat to see God's grace fall to the earth. As we rode home in the van, the small rocks that were drive ways were swept into the road.
I have found it more difficult today to see God working among the people. However it is easy to see God in the children. It is pretty cool to watch the children from the orphange who are visiting with thier adoptive parents. They are still very much in community, taking care of each other. Two sisters chatter in French/ Creole back and forth. It is pretty neat.
The Baptist mission was interesting, there was one couple who traveled to Haiti and stayed to build the baptist mission. It was one family who made a difference in this mountain community. I have posted some pictures of the mountain. They have learned how to farm on the side of the mountain.
I continue to pray for you all, please pray for us.
Blessings and Peace
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Haiti day 2

I am not sure that I can adequately describe the things that I have seen today. We can start with the smells. There is a mulitude of smells that surrounds the city of Port au Prince. The food cooking, the charcol fires, the engine exhust, the burning trash, the garbage, the sewage, the standing water, the soapy water that people took baths and then dumped.
The poverty is almost overwhelming... or at least I think it is poverty. People live in houses that are partially built with cement blocks, tin roofs, sometimes huts made with banana leaves and palm branches. The children in the towns were sometimes in just a shirt, or with no clothes. I seem to have a knack on spoting the naked people. The people take bathes in the streams that further down the stream are filled with garbage and people washing clothes.
Two hours later... We made it to the beach with the rain drops falling every so often.... the beach was filled with peebles and rocks. It was fun to look for the beach glass and shells. The children all loved the beach... It was wonderful to watch Wood in the water. Karen as always has an eye for detail, she found numerous conch shells. I walked right by several and Karen came behind me and found them.
As the afternoon ended we loaded up, all 27 of us in a 14 person van. I volunteered to hold a little girl who is known to get sick in the car. I am not sure how happy Karen was when I said I would hold her. At one point I thought she was going to hurl, and Karen kind of gently moved forward so no splashing would occur. But, no incidents... she was wonderful even without vomit.
I got a chance to talk to Chris, the orphange director about us coming for a mission trip. She wa happy to have us come and rock babies, play with toddlers and read to elementary children. I think Karen and I will go to visit the United Methodist hospital and mission. I think that I will have pictures to post so stay tuned.
I continue to see God working even in the midst of extreme poverty. It is something to be the minority.
thanks for the prayers... we feel them.
Blessings and Peace
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Well, we finally made it... I can't believe the humidity here. I thought my hair was kinky in Delaware.... I look like bozo the clown. Pictures coming soon. Karen now has a new point of reference when the hot flashes come... she can now compare them to the climate in haiti. it sure is hot!!
No seriously... We made it from the airport after looking for our luggage for over an hour to the orphanage where we picked up several children... Wood being one of them. Oh i almost forgot... we traveled in style... in the back of a box truck. The Haitian people thought we were crazy, only white fingers sticking out in the windows of the truck. We bounced and bounced and bounced, better than any rollarcoaster. Watch out Cedar point Hal's driving and the Port au Prince roads will give you a run for your money. Karen and I decided that we could now understand what hotter than Haiti means... we add to it hotter than the back of a box truck in haiti.
We saw lots of people, mostly men, the people sold things on the street, everything from bananas to toothpaste. We all decided that simply having the garbage truck come on Thursday was such a blessing... we saw lots of trash on the side of the road. At one point there was a river with rocks jutting out... the trash was stuck on the rocks all up and down the riverside.
At one point we ran out of gas as the sun was going down on a hill. We were so relieved to have the doors open that we hardly noticed. We traveled about 45 minutes from the orphanage to the hotel. We are happy to have airconditioning and tv. We did have domino's pizza for dinner. Tomorrow we head to the beach... what fun. They said it would a couple hours... Karen and I are praying that is not in the back of the truck.
In all seriousness, please pray for Wood, Jody's adoptice son. We are praying that his paperwork has been completed and is ready for the attorney. We are save and doing well.
Marie and Karen
No seriously... We made it from the airport after looking for our luggage for over an hour to the orphanage where we picked up several children... Wood being one of them. Oh i almost forgot... we traveled in style... in the back of a box truck. The Haitian people thought we were crazy, only white fingers sticking out in the windows of the truck. We bounced and bounced and bounced, better than any rollarcoaster. Watch out Cedar point Hal's driving and the Port au Prince roads will give you a run for your money. Karen and I decided that we could now understand what hotter than Haiti means... we add to it hotter than the back of a box truck in haiti.
We saw lots of people, mostly men, the people sold things on the street, everything from bananas to toothpaste. We all decided that simply having the garbage truck come on Thursday was such a blessing... we saw lots of trash on the side of the road. At one point there was a river with rocks jutting out... the trash was stuck on the rocks all up and down the riverside.
At one point we ran out of gas as the sun was going down on a hill. We were so relieved to have the doors open that we hardly noticed. We traveled about 45 minutes from the orphanage to the hotel. We are happy to have airconditioning and tv. We did have domino's pizza for dinner. Tomorrow we head to the beach... what fun. They said it would a couple hours... Karen and I are praying that is not in the back of the truck.
In all seriousness, please pray for Wood, Jody's adoptice son. We are praying that his paperwork has been completed and is ready for the attorney. We are save and doing well.
Marie and Karen
Haiti or bust!!
Greetings from not so sunny Miami,
Well, I thought we were getting to Haiti on Monday, but apparently we needed a lesson in patience and flexibility. We missed our connecting flight in Tampa so we were held back to from Haiti. We got a hotel room and crashed for the night. It was a 12 hour ordeal, yet we still laughed and saw God's grace around is.
Some of the things I saw yesterday:
A man with the longest dreedlocks that I have ever seen. They were down to his ankles. Rudy Rasimus talks about how his goatee is a filter to keep judgemental people out. I wondered if this was the guy's filter. He seemed like a nice guy. I guess you can't judge a book by it's cover.
The woman who helped us initally at the United ticket counter was having a rough day. She was short and did not break a smile the entire hour that we stood next to her. She did however go and ask the questions to see why we were still waiting to be helped.
I saw a little girl who was shy at first and then opened up to Karen and I. She now talks to us nonstop. A girl after my own heart.
I am praying for all of you. I know that transformation happens when we least expect it... look for those changing moments at each intersection today.
Blessings and Peace... we are off to Haiti (or so we think)
Well, I thought we were getting to Haiti on Monday, but apparently we needed a lesson in patience and flexibility. We missed our connecting flight in Tampa so we were held back to from Haiti. We got a hotel room and crashed for the night. It was a 12 hour ordeal, yet we still laughed and saw God's grace around is.
Some of the things I saw yesterday:
A man with the longest dreedlocks that I have ever seen. They were down to his ankles. Rudy Rasimus talks about how his goatee is a filter to keep judgemental people out. I wondered if this was the guy's filter. He seemed like a nice guy. I guess you can't judge a book by it's cover.
The woman who helped us initally at the United ticket counter was having a rough day. She was short and did not break a smile the entire hour that we stood next to her. She did however go and ask the questions to see why we were still waiting to be helped.
I saw a little girl who was shy at first and then opened up to Karen and I. She now talks to us nonstop. A girl after my own heart.
I am praying for all of you. I know that transformation happens when we least expect it... look for those changing moments at each intersection today.
Blessings and Peace... we are off to Haiti (or so we think)
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Wow today has been quite a fun day... the sun was shining, the wind blowing... what more fun could I have had than to watch a bunch of little girls dancing thier hearts out. It was so much fun tonight watching one of our own dancing center stage at Northmont H.S. She was a beautiful sailor, saluting her heart out. What a gift it was to watch her.
Hope your mother's day is great and rewarding. Tell the women in your lives how important they are to you.
Hope your mother's day is great and rewarding. Tell the women in your lives how important they are to you.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
This week we learned about the prophet, Jonah, he has always been one of my favorites! Why??? Jonah is just like me, he has the same unwilling spirit that I have when God calls me to do something that I just don't think I should have to do! Maybe the work God wants me to do is painful, maybe it is thru a period of suffering that I can be drawn closer to the one who can make me whole, but I don't always see what God sees, and I run from the pain and the change, because, honestly, change can be very scary! That's why I love Jonah, he runs from God, he runs as far and fast as he can in the opposite direction, sounds like something I have done! I can relate to Jonah, I understand his frustration at God, why would God send me to Nineveh, those people are not good enough for God, why not just get rid of them, the world would be a much better place. Jonah refuses to do what God knows must be done, and he runs. Somehow, God always seems to get our attention though, and in Jonah's case, he simply cannot ignore God any longer, and finally he agrees to go to Nineveh. But even after he is there, and he has preached God's message and told the people they must change their ways, he refuses to offer any forgivness, even though God has forgiven Jonah for running from him. How often do I do that, how often do I quickly accept forgiveness from others, yet refuse to offer even the smallest hint of forgiveness to those who ask for it? Like Jonah, I often refuse to see God's grace at work in myself, and in others, and I miss the whole point! Jonah is so angry that God has chosen to forgive the people of Nineveh, he wants God to punish them, they deserve to be punished because those people have hurt Jonah, and he wants revenge. He is blinded by his own anger, and cannot see that God's saving love is not just for him, but for every person in creation, even for those who have hurt us in the past. What do we do when those who have hurt us repent and change? To often we stay angry, which really only hurts us, we carry our anger and bitterness throughout our lives, and refuse to do the hard work of forgiveness.
I have had to do the hard work of forgiveness in my life, with someone who hurt me deeply and often. For a long time I punished that person for their choices and actions, but really I was punishing myself and those closest to me, because in my refusal to forgive I became a person I would not recognize today, someone full of anger and spite, I didn't have room for God's grace and I had no idea how to extend that to someone else. But through a long and hard process of growth in my relationship with God, with people around me to hold me accountable, I was able to learn true forgiveness, and it has changed my life! I have joy and peace in my life, love and laughter have made their way into my heart again when I didn't think that was ever possible again. Through God's grace and his constant and tireless walk with me, my life has been transformed into something I could never have imagined two years ago, and only God could do that!! Through Jesus we have salvation in action, where do you need to see through God's eyes in your life today??
I have had to do the hard work of forgiveness in my life, with someone who hurt me deeply and often. For a long time I punished that person for their choices and actions, but really I was punishing myself and those closest to me, because in my refusal to forgive I became a person I would not recognize today, someone full of anger and spite, I didn't have room for God's grace and I had no idea how to extend that to someone else. But through a long and hard process of growth in my relationship with God, with people around me to hold me accountable, I was able to learn true forgiveness, and it has changed my life! I have joy and peace in my life, love and laughter have made their way into my heart again when I didn't think that was ever possible again. Through God's grace and his constant and tireless walk with me, my life has been transformed into something I could never have imagined two years ago, and only God could do that!! Through Jesus we have salvation in action, where do you need to see through God's eyes in your life today??
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Green day at Stillwater on MillerLane
We planted, we weeded, we pulled, we pushed, we threw, we shoveled, we racked, we mowed, we stopped and ate chocolate. The green team at Stillwater on Miller Lane had fun as we transformed the courtyard and the church yards into beautiful beds. The children now have a great place to play.
Check it out!!
Blessings, Marie
Check it out!!
Blessings, Marie
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
just some thoughts
I was reading a book and had to write down some thoughts that I had about something the author said. Tell me what you think.
The author is describing the Holy Spirit, the third part of God.
"The Spirit is not a bully, but a Lover; and while the love pursues passionately, it will not intrude where it is not wanted; after all, if it did, it would cease to be love."
How interesting... it is like planting a garden, you have to let the seed grow on it's own. No matter how much you want the plant to grow, it has to do it by it's self. The help comes when the seed is open for water, fertilizer and food. This author is also talking about how the Spirit is like the wind, wild and crazy, unpredictable to some degree; yet a person can feel it. I am not sure i agree with this idea. Do we always have to feel the Holy Spirit? Can we live by faith that it is there? Just some thoughts, let me know what you think. Marie
The author is describing the Holy Spirit, the third part of God.
"The Spirit is not a bully, but a Lover; and while the love pursues passionately, it will not intrude where it is not wanted; after all, if it did, it would cease to be love."
How interesting... it is like planting a garden, you have to let the seed grow on it's own. No matter how much you want the plant to grow, it has to do it by it's self. The help comes when the seed is open for water, fertilizer and food. This author is also talking about how the Spirit is like the wind, wild and crazy, unpredictable to some degree; yet a person can feel it. I am not sure i agree with this idea. Do we always have to feel the Holy Spirit? Can we live by faith that it is there? Just some thoughts, let me know what you think. Marie
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Spring at Stillwater on Miller Lane
Wow wasn’t the Empty Tomb the bomb… It was great to have so many new faces in the crowd, but also plenty of returning people. The dramatic pulling of the clothes was surprising, the band was great, the egg shakers were fun.
All was fun and exciting. The pictures are from the Eggstravaganza and membership Sunday. Enjoy!! It was a day that God was working like crazy.
All was fun and exciting. The pictures are from the Eggstravaganza and membership Sunday. Enjoy!! It was a day that God was working like crazy.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Membership & Baptism
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Grand Opening
Wow is all I can say... We had a great time during our grand opening... The children danced thier way into the worship area with streamers while the band played Celebration by Cool in the Gang. It was fabulous. The worship space was packed. Lots of people brought new people with them to church. A great time was had by all. I will get some pictures up on the website as soon as I can find my camera, you know how I lose everything. (I am like pigpen, everywhere I go I leave stuff behind.)
I am looking forward to Duane's preaching... even if I just get to pray for you guys from the Frederick Pike campus.
Remember that the Day of Caring is a pancake breakfast to raise money for the homeless and poor right here in the Miami Valley. Come out and eat your heart out.
Blessings and Peace...
I am looking forward to Duane's preaching... even if I just get to pray for you guys from the Frederick Pike campus.
Remember that the Day of Caring is a pancake breakfast to raise money for the homeless and poor right here in the Miami Valley. Come out and eat your heart out.
Blessings and Peace...
Monday, February 9, 2009
The roof!!

When teams work together you it is hard to believe what can happen. I am so excited to see the roof going up on the church, or in this picture's case coming down. Thanks to Jake and his crew of about 30 people the west side of the building has the shingles off and will be ready for shingles Tuesday or Wed. How awesome is that!!
See you all at the Grandopening on Sunday at 10:30am
Saturday, February 7, 2009

The body of Christ has all that is needed to fulfill the mission of God. Here are some of the resources that we have and that we need. If you have a need or a resource please share through either a post or an email to marie.smith@stillwaterumc.org
Things we have
· Basket ball skills
· A house
· Tools
· Gift of Gab
· Good with kids
· Gardening
· Sewing
· Singing
· Financial advisor
· Intercessory prayer
· Empathy & compassion
· Love for animals
· Knowledge of medical and veterinary medicine
· Organization
· Meals for care team
· Exercise and fitness
· Time
· Willingness to serve
· Big picture thinker
· Networking abilities
· New job opportunities
· Technical expertise
· Games and clothing
· Computer knowledge
· Arts and Crafts
· House by river
· Visit people who are lonely
· Hospice volunteer
· Secretarial skills
· Plates and dishes
· Hospitality
· Washer/ dyer
· Silverware, microwave
· Mentoring
· Tutoring/ teaching
Things we need
· Organization skills
· People to attend a small group for couples
· Bed
· New shoes
· Furniture for living room
· 12-18 mos. child for adult child to adopt.
· Adult teacher
· Social skills
· Patience
· Bible knowledge
· Connections with other moms with children in school
· Workout buddy for once a week
· Financial planning
· Home health care for sick parent
· Help (I think they need prayer)
· Help with thinking before they act.
· Organization skills
· People to attend a small group for couples
· Bed
· New shoes
· Furniture for living room
· 12-18 mos. child for adult child to adopt.
· Adult teacher
· Social skills
· Patience
· Bible knowledge
· Connections with other moms with children in school
· Workout buddy for once a week
· Financial planning
· Home health care for sick parent
· Help (I think they need prayer)
· Help with thinking before they act.
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Snow, Snow
Snow, snow, snow...
It is really pretty isn't it? I live the snow because it reminds me of the second chance that God gives us each day. God's grace is like the snow it falls and covers us. My family has had a good time in the snow this week. Luke and I went sledding but forgot the pictures. What did you guys all do with the snow?
Blessings, Marie
It is really pretty isn't it? I live the snow because it reminds me of the second chance that God gives us each day. God's grace is like the snow it falls and covers us. My family has had a good time in the snow this week. Luke and I went sledding but forgot the pictures. What did you guys all do with the snow?
Blessings, Marie
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
The change

Change.... change is hard, change is exciting, change is inevitable even...
As we live into the political change that President Obama leads us in; we need to remember that our hope and faith is not soley in one man; but infact in God our creator, Jesus our redeemer and the Holy Spirit our sustainer.
As we change in the next 100 (or so) days, the transformation will be so contagious that others will want to come alongside us. Be ready to share your story of change; remember that we change the world one to one to one to one.
As we live into the political change that President Obama leads us in; we need to remember that our hope and faith is not soley in one man; but infact in God our creator, Jesus our redeemer and the Holy Spirit our sustainer.
As we change in the next 100 (or so) days, the transformation will be so contagious that others will want to come alongside us. Be ready to share your story of change; remember that we change the world one to one to one to one.
(The picture is from msn.com)
Saturday, January 17, 2009
I was thinking the other day about how God has moved among us…
Just think we are just 12 weeks old and yet we have a good solid Sunday School class for children, we are starting a youth class this week, we serve breakfast to 40 people each week, we are worshiping God in an amazing way…
Change is happening in and through you… let me share some of the stories that people have shared with me…
“I was struggling… I had not really connected at a church, I had been wondering until I walked into Stillwater on Miller Lane… I felt like I was home, it was like the Holy Spirit took a hold of me and told me that I had found my spot.”
“My husband comes on his own, I have pushed him for years but he is now coming on his own… I don’t push it.”
“I have been part of many churches, but I have a church home.”
“My children feel like they own the church”
On this celebration of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. we celebrate all that he did for us, the way that he inspired us…
I hope that you will take time this week to look for ways that you too can make a difference… Maybe it is to connect with a long lost friend, maybe it is to walk in a march celebrating on Monday, maybe it is to work in a soup kitchen or a food pantry.
I found this quote that I find to be so inspiring…
As King said, desegregation will only produce "a society where men are physically desegregated and spiritually segregated, where elbows are together and hearts apart. It gives us social togetherness and spiritual apartness.”
Our quest is to connect both social and spiritual integration…
Can we do it? What are you suggestions to how…
Just think we are just 12 weeks old and yet we have a good solid Sunday School class for children, we are starting a youth class this week, we serve breakfast to 40 people each week, we are worshiping God in an amazing way…
Change is happening in and through you… let me share some of the stories that people have shared with me…
“I was struggling… I had not really connected at a church, I had been wondering until I walked into Stillwater on Miller Lane… I felt like I was home, it was like the Holy Spirit took a hold of me and told me that I had found my spot.”
“My husband comes on his own, I have pushed him for years but he is now coming on his own… I don’t push it.”
“I have been part of many churches, but I have a church home.”
“My children feel like they own the church”
On this celebration of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. we celebrate all that he did for us, the way that he inspired us…
I hope that you will take time this week to look for ways that you too can make a difference… Maybe it is to connect with a long lost friend, maybe it is to walk in a march celebrating on Monday, maybe it is to work in a soup kitchen or a food pantry.
I found this quote that I find to be so inspiring…
As King said, desegregation will only produce "a society where men are physically desegregated and spiritually segregated, where elbows are together and hearts apart. It gives us social togetherness and spiritual apartness.”
Our quest is to connect both social and spiritual integration…
Can we do it? What are you suggestions to how…
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